tl;dr: Next Talk & Tinker Tuesday 5/14 with Locksport

Hi all!

Our next Talk & Tinker Meetup is this Tuesday, 5/14 at the Easthampton River Valley Co-op from 6-9. This time we’ll be exploring recreational lockpicking, also known as locksport, so whether you’re just curious or very experienced, come along! We’ll talk about how locks work, basic tools and techniques, what locksport is and isn’t, and, of course, we’ll have plenty of locks and tools for you to try. We’ll also have a few transparent locks and a 3d printed example of security pins to help explain how picking works. No experience needed and everyone is welcome.

Speaking of lockpicking, This past Tuesday’s casual meetup at New City Brewery turned into a mini lockpicking session, with at least two successful first time pickers and more than a few curious looks from people passing by. It was also a beautiful night for sitting out on the patio talking about plans for the makerspace and getting to know newcomers. We’ll be back there again on 5/21 so come out and join us!

We’re still working out the details of our table at Cultural Chaos on Saturday 6/8, so if you have any suggestions or want to get hands-on with the planning, get in touch. And next week we’ll have a signup sheet for anyone interested in helping out for a bit on the day of the event. A few extra hands are always helpful for setup, takedown, and throughout the day.

Quote of the Day: Perfect is the enemy of done. - Adam Savage

Be safe and keep making things!

- Bill C.

Where to find us:

MakeFixHack is a growing community of makers, tinkerers, hackers, crafters, and other like-minded people, sharing knowledge and working to create a community workshop/hackerspace here in Easthampton. MakeFixHack is an open and welcoming community and strives to be a safe space for all.