tl;dr: Next meetup 9/3 @ New City Brewery, Talk & Tinker Tuesday 9/10 @ River Valley Co-op, Upcoming Maker Faires, Northampton Community RePair event 9/14
Hi All!
Our next meetup is on Tuesday 9/3 from 6-9 at New City Brewery. Come on out and join us for some casual conversation about upcoming events, current projects, and whatever else comes to mind. Maybe we’ll do a little lockpicking or other tinkering too, you never know. The following week we’ll be back at River Valley Co-op for another Talk & Tinker Tuesday on 9/10, when you can bring out a project to work on or share, get some repair advice, or just stop by to see what other people are working on.
If you’re looking for some inspiration or just want to see some cool projects and ideas, go check out the Providence Maker Faire on Saturday 9/7. Everything from scrap sewing and vintage computers, to audio jewelry and live-coded classical music. Definitely a cool event to check out. And the first weekend in October Maker Faire Coney Island is happening, which I expect to be an even bigger and more exciting event. MakeFixHack is not directly participating in either event, but I’m definitely planning on attending.
Also, don’t forget about the upcoming Northampton Community RePair event happening on Saturday 9/14 from 12-4.
If you know of an event that you think our community would be interested in, let us know and we’ll share it in the next newsletter. Likewise, if you have an idea for a workshop, class, event, or whatever that you would like to put on or attend, get in touch and we’ll see what we can do!
Be safe and keep making things!
- Bill C.
Where to find us:
MakeFixHack is a growing community of makers, tinkerers, hackers, crafters, and other like-minded people, sharing knowledge and opening a community workshop/hackerspace here in Easthampton. MakeFixHack is an open and welcoming community and strives to be a safe space for all.