tl;dr: Talk & Tinker Soldering workshop 8/20 Make a spinning LED top, volunteer with us at Northampton Community RePair, upcoming Maker Faires
Hi All!
Our next event is a special Talk & Tinker Tuesday Soldering Workshop on 8/20 at the Easthampton River Valley Co-op from 6-9 pm. We’ll be making spinning LED tops (which you may have seen on the gadget table at previous meetups) and learning/practicing soldering skills. Whether you’re brand new and want to learn, or just want a little practice, join us for this fun and informative workshop. We’ll cover soldering iron safety, basic techniques, and troubleshooting, and everyone will leave with a fun LED top and a how-to solder booklet to help with future projects. We still have seats available, but if you’ve been in the co-op community room before, you know that space is limited, so please RSVP to this email or on the Meetup event page so we know who to expect.
If you have repair skills of any sort (electronics, sewing, mechanical, gluing, lamp wiring, small appliance, etc) then I’d like to invite you to help out and help represent MakeFixHack at the Northampton Community RePair event on Saturday Sept 14th from 12-4. We’re not running or sponsoring this event, but I’ll be volunteering, and it is a great way to give back to the community and connect with lot of like-minded people who might not have heard of our project yet. Volunteering at these events in the past was part of my inspiration for starting this MakeFixHack journey 2 years ago, and the idea of a space where we can help the surrounding community fix and reuse nearly anything is till part of the vision. Let me know if you’re interested or have any questions.
On the topic of exciting upcoming events that I’m not in charge of but are also inspirations for me, there are two (sort-of) nearby Maker Faires coming up (though, sadly, no Pioneer Valley one this year). First is Providence, RI Maker Faire on Satruday Sept. 7th, and then Maker Faire Coney Island on Oct 5th & 6th. If you’ve never been to a maker faire before, I highly recommend going, and if you have been to one, I also highly recommend going.
Be safe and keep making things!
- Bill C.
Where to find us:
MakeFixHack is a growing community of makers, tinkerers, hackers, crafters, and other like-minded people, sharing knowledge and opening a community workshop/hackerspace here in Easthampton. MakeFixHack is an open and welcoming community and strives to be a safe space for all.