tl;dr: Stars & Skulls on Sunday 12/15 @ NoHo Center for the Arts, Mending Mondays (fiber arts meetup) 6-9 on 12/16 & Talk & Tinker Tuesday (beta test #2) 6-9 on 12/17 @ our new space! Come see our new space! Suite 044 in Eastworks!

Hi All!

We had a great Talk & Tinker test session this week with many new and familiar faces coming in to see and try our our new space! And we have more exciting events next week!

About our new space: We’re still working on getting things set up, but we already have all the usual small hand tools, test equipment, soldering irons, lockpicks, and such from the co-op Talk & Tinker sessions, but also real work benches, a sewing machine, a small but growing maker library, a comfy couch, 3d printers, a growing collection of spare electronics parts, and more! The one thing we don’t have anymore, however, is a grocery store right outside the door, so remember to bring something to drink and/or a snack if you’ll need one. Local Burger is right upstairs too, if you find yourself unexpectedly hungry.

So where is this space? We’re in suite 044 on the ground floor of Eastworks, right below Local Burger. The easiest way to get in, especially if you’re carrying anything, is around the back through the door in the mural wall, then down the ramp, zig left and zag right, go a little ways down the hall and you’ll find us (don’t worry, we’ll put up signs to lead the way). If you’re driving, turn off Pleasant St onto Putnam Ct and go down the hill to the left and park in any of the spots away from the building. Where to park

Do you have an idea for a workshop you’d like to present, a theme you’d like to see, or anything you can think of that we could do with our new space, let me know at this email, @MakerBill on Discord, or in person at an upcoming event and we’ll see what we can come up with.

And finally, we’re still working out the details, but information will be coming soon about how to become a member, what membership will mean for you, and how your membership will help us sustain and grow this exciting new space.

Be safe and keep making things!

- Bill C.

Where to find us:

Eastworks Building Suite 044
116 Pleasant St, Easthampton, MA

MakeFixHack is a growing community of makers, tinkerers, hackers, crafters, and other like-minded people, sharing knowledge and opening a community workshop/hackerspace here in Easthampton. MakeFixHack is an open and welcoming community and strives to be a safe space for all.