tl;dr: Next meetup at New City Brewery from 6-9 on 10/1, big news on the horizon

Hi All!

Our next meetup is on Tuesday 10/1 from 6-9 at New City Brewery. How is it October already? Seems like the summer has flown by and it’s starting to get chilly out on the patio and getting dark early, so there’s a good chance we’ll be found inside this time around. Come out to chat with your fellow makers and get the latest news on where things are going for MakeFixHack while you enjoy a tasty beverage and some good food.

There are a lot of wheels in motion right now, including planning for a space of our own, finalizing the 501c3 application, redesigning the website, increasing our social media outreach, and more. All of which is building up to some big news in the coming weeks. If you’ve been out to a recent meetup or event then you might already have an idea of whats to come, and if you’re interested in helping out this is a great time to get involved. We can always use a couple extra hands at our Talk & Tinker Tuesdays, getting flyers hung up around town, or just sharing our events in your circles or on your favorite social media platform.

Be safe and keep making things!

- Bill C.

Where to find us:

MakeFixHack is a growing community of makers, tinkerers, hackers, crafters, and other like-minded people, sharing knowledge and working to create a community workshop/hackerspace here in Easthampton. MakeFixHack is an open and welcoming community and strives to be a safe space for all.