tl;dr: Next Meetup 8/27 @ New City Brewery from 6-9, soldering workshop was a great success

Hi All!

Our next meetup is on Tuesday 8/27 at New City Brewery from 6-9 pm. Looks like it’ll be another great night for siting out on the patio, so come and join us to chat about whatever comes up and enjoy some tasty beverages. If you haven’t been there before, it’s around the back of the Ferry St end of the mill complex. Easy access from the bike trail and plenty of parking.

This week’s soldering workshop was a great success! We had experienced solderers and first timers, kids and adults, and everyone successfully build their very own spinning LED top. We will definitely be doing another session at some point in the future, as it was a lot of fun. Thank you to everyone who joined us and to our members who helped share their soldering knowledge as well. Check out MakeFixHack on Instagram and Facebook to see some pics of the event, and tag us there if you took any pics of your own!

Scheduling is still in the works for our fall meetups and events, but we are planning for an exciting new "upgrade your costume with LEDs" event before Halloween, as well as our usual Talk & Tinker and casual meetup events. Keep an eye on this newsletter, our website, or the social links below to find out more.

Be safe and keep making things!

- Bill C.

Where to find us:

Eastworks Building Suite 044
116 Pleasant St, Easthampton, MA

MakeFixHack is a growing community of makers, tinkerers, hackers, crafters, and other like-minded people, sharing knowledge and opening a community workshop/hackerspace here in Easthampton. MakeFixHack is an open and welcoming community and strives to be a safe space for all.