tl;dr: Maker Faire was a success, Talk & Tinker Meetup 10/24 @ Easthampton River Valley Co-op, upcoming schedule

Hi all,

We had a great, but very busy time at the Pioneer Valley Maker Faire last weekend. Gave out lots of cardboard circuit kits, "Soldering is Easy" booklets, and stamped stickers, made connections with other makers, artists, creators, and makerspaces, and had lots of signups to this mailing list. Overall a big success and we’re keeping an eye out for other local events to be a part of in the future.

There were some new faces at the New City Brewery this past Tuesday and some very interesting conversations about possible spaces, considerations around different types of equipment, and different organisational structures the group might use. This coming Tuesday, 10/24 will be a Talk & Tinker night at Easthampton River Valley Co-op from 6-9 pm. For anyone who hasn’t been to a Talk & Tinker meetup yet, here are details:

Where: River Valley Co-op 228 Northampton St, Easthampton In the community room, to the right of the exit doors as you walk in the main entrance

When: Any time between 6-9 pm on 10/24

Who: Everyone is welcome! Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult

What: Bring a small project to work on or show off, something you’re trying to repair or take apart, or just come to hang out. Projects/repairs should be something you can bring in, work on safety in a public space, and cleanup after in the time we have. Some examples are electronic kits, knitting, a broken toaster, laptop, sewing, etc. Basic hand tools (including security screw bits), soldering equipment, and multimeters are available if needed. There’s WiFi and, of course, a full grocery store if you want to get a snack or dinner. If you don’t have anything you want to bring, no worries, you’re welcome to just come to hang out too, and there will be some gadgets and gizmos to fiddle with as well.

Why: To build our community, get to know other makers, and because it’s fun.

How: With your help! There are lots of ways to get involved. Help host a meetup, tell your friends, hang flyers, teach a workshop, help out with our social media, organize a group project, , or use your imagination and tell us how you want to help. Also, you can just be a part of the community in whatever way you can at the moment and that’s great too!

One final thing, since Halloween (in my mind the most maker-y of holidays) falls on a Tuesday this year, we won’t be having a meetup that night, so be safe and spooky if you’re celebrating!

Hope to see you at a meetup soon!

Bill C.

MakeFixHack is a growing community of makers, tinkerers, hackers, crafters, and other like-minded people, sharing knowledge and working to create a community workshop/hackerspace here in Easthampton. MakeFixHack is an open and welcoming community and strives to be a safe space for all.

Be safe and keep making things!

- Bill C.

Where to find us:

MakeFixHack is a growing community of makers, tinkerers, hackers, crafters, and other like-minded people, sharing knowledge and working to create a community workshop/hackerspace here in Easthampton. MakeFixHack is an open and welcoming community and strives to be a safe space for all.