tl;dr: great turnout for locksport at Talk & Tinker, open hours this Saturday, Talk & Tinker Tuesday 1/21, space updates, review us on google maps

Hi All!

We had a great turnout for Talk & Tinker this week, with lots of people coming out to learn about locksport and check out our space. We were standing room only for part of the night, even after breaking out the vintage folding chairs we were given recently, which were apparently made right in the Eastworks building back in the day. I think most everyone was successful in opening at least a practice lock, and it was great to see the knowledge flow around the room, as people would learn a trick then immediately share it with others. And if anyone wants more practice (or didn’t make it this time), there’s a drawer of locks and picks you can pull out any time you’re in the space.

Upcoming Events

This Saturday 1/18 from 3 - 6 pm, we’re having our first Open Hours session. This is basically what it sounds like, we’re open and you can come in to use the space. Bring a project to work on, peruse our supplies and tools to get an idea for a project, or just check out the space and chat for a bit. Since a variety of tools will be in use during this session, we do have safety glasses available to borrow if needed, and there will be a waiver to sign upon entering. There is no set cost for this session, however donations are appreciated and help us maintain the space and build our community.

Talk & Tinker Tuesday is happening again on 1/21 from 6 - 9 pm. This week is just a general session, so bring out a project, see what we have to inspire a new creation, or just hang out for a bit. We have a wide variety of hand tools, soldering irons, rotary tools, sewing supplies, electronic components, and lots more. If there’s something special you’re looking to use, or something you’d like specific help with, get in touch at this email or on Discord and we’ll do what we can to get you what you need. As with our Open Hours, we’ll have safety glasses to borrow as needed when tools are being used.

Updates & News

We’re looking at starting up memberships in the next month so we can continue to build into a sustainable community makerspace that will grow into an important and valuable resource for everyone in the area. Details are still being ironed out, but membership will include access to the space during regularly scheduled member hours, advance notice and possible discounts for workshops and classes, volunteer opportunities, and more. We do intend for membership to be as affordable as possible and don’t want anyone to be excluded solely by cost, so we hope to have alternative membership options as well. Stay tuned for an official announcement with signup details in the coming weeks!

We’ve had a successful test of the CNC router (as a pen plotter) and are planning the first project as well as developing a training plan to allow members to learn and use this exciting tool. We also have 2 3d printers up and running, with at least one more that needs a bit of work to get going, but should give us dual material capabilities when it’s online. We’re working out a plan for sharing slicer profiles and for these machines, but if you’re interested in printing something for a project, have a lot of experience you’re looking to share, or just want to learn how to get started, get in touch!

And finally, we are now officially listed on Google maps, so if you feel inclined to give us a (hopefully positive) review there, it would do a lot to help us get more visibility.

Be safe and keep making things!

- Bill C.

Where to find us:

Eastworks Building Suite 044
116 Pleasant St, Easthampton, MA

MakeFixHack is a growing community of makers, tinkerers, hackers, crafters, and other like-minded people, sharing knowledge and opening a community workshop/hackerspace here in Easthampton. MakeFixHack is an open and welcoming community and strives to be a safe space for all.